Showing 1 - 25 of 43 Results
Processes and Foundations for Virtual Organizations by Camarinha-Matos, Luis, Afsa... ISBN: 9781402076381 List Price: $199.00
Organizing the Extended Enterprise International Federation of Information Processing by Schonsleben, P., Buchel, Al... ISBN: 9780412821400 List Price: $155.00
Research Directions in Data and Applications Security Ifip Tc11/Wg11.3 Sixteenth Annual Conf... by Gudes, Ehud, Shenoi, Sujeet... ISBN: 9781402075414 List Price: $169.00
Experimental Learning in Production Management by Smeds, R., Smeds, J., Inter... ISBN: 9780412837203 List Price: $171.00
Informatics in Higher Education Views on Informatics and Non-Informatics Curricula by Mulder, F., Weert, Tom J. v... ISBN: 9780412807909 List Price: $210.00
Converged Networking Data and Real-Time Communications over Ip by McDonald, Chris, Internatio... ISBN: 9781402073793 List Price: $169.00
Building Qos into Distributed Systems Ifip Tc6 Wg6.1 Fifth International Workshop on Quality... by Campbell, Andrew, Nahrstedt... ISBN: 9780412809408 List Price: $265.00
Management of Multimedia Networks and Services by Boutaba, Raouf, Internation... ISBN: 9780412826306 List Price: $198.00
Data and Applications Security XXI: 21st Annual IFIP WG 11. 3 Working Conference on Data and... by Barker, Steve, Ahn, Gail-Jo... ISBN: 9783540735335 List Price: $89.95
Testing of Software and Communicating Systems: 20th Ifip Tc 6/Wg 6.1 International Conferenc... by Suzuki, Kenji, Internationa... ISBN: 9783540685142 List Price: $109.00
Networked Information Technologies Diffusion and Adoption Ifip Tc8/Wg8.6 Working Conference ... by Damsgaard, Jan, Henriksen, ... ISBN: 9781402078156 List Price: $145.00
Virtual Campus Trends for Higher Education and Training by Verdejo, Maria Feliza, Davi... ISBN: 9780412835506 List Price: $275.00
Testing of Software and Communicating Systems by Petrenko, Alexandre, Intern... ISBN: 9783540730651 List Price: $89.95
Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice II : IFIP 20th World Computer Congress, TC 12... by Bramer, M. A., Internationa... ISBN: 9781441935182 List Price: $199.00
Distributed Systems Platforms and Open Distributed Processing:Proceedings of Middleware '98,... by Davies, Nigel, Raymond, Ker... ISBN: 9780412841309 List Price: $146.50
Interchi 93: Acm Sigchi 1993 Proceedings by Ashlund, Stacey, SIGCHI (Gr... ISBN: 9780897915748 List Price: $49.50
INTERCHI '93 : Conference Proceedings: Bridges Between Worlds by Ashlund, Stacey, SIGCHI (Gr... ISBN: 9780897915755
Second Ifip/Ieee International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (Tas... by IEEE Computer Society Staff... ISBN: 9780769532493 List Price: $197.00
Protocols for High-Speed Networks VI Ifip Tc6 Wg6.1 & Wg6.4/IEEE Comsoc Tc on Gigabit Networ... by International Federation Fo... ISBN: 9780792386902 List Price: $247.00
Re-Engineering the Enterprise Proceedings of the Ifip Tc5/Wg5.7 Working Conference on Re-Eng... by International Federation Fo... ISBN: 9780412642609 List Price: $215.00
Facilitating Technology Transfer Through Partnership Learning from Practice and Research by IFIP TC8 WG8.6 Internationa... ISBN: 9780412799808 List Price: $249.00
Integrated Network Management VIII Managing It All Ifip/IEEE Eighth International Symposium... by Goldszmidt, German, Schonwa... ISBN: 9781402074189 List Price: $259.00
Communications and Networking in Education Learning in a Networked Society by Watson, Deryn, Downes, Toni... ISBN: 9780792377603 List Price: $222.00
Context-Sensitive Decision Support Systems International Federation of Information Processing by Berkeley, Dina, Internation... ISBN: 9780412837401 List Price: $232.00
Data Mining and Reverse Engineering Searching for Semantics by Spaccapietra, Stefano, Mary... ISBN: 9780412822506 List Price: $251.00
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